Let me tell you what happened... So our neighbor invited us over for a cook-out last night and I told them I'd bring over a dessert or 2. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? I decided to try a new recipe, which I frequently do, but it ended in disaster! I tried to make this...
Looks pretty right? Here's how mine looked...
That is what we call an epic fail! LoL
So, at this point I have 2 hours until I'm supposed to be next door with my "yummy" dessert. (Oh, and to top it off, my neighbor calls me Betty Crocker. I take it as a compliment, so I want to live up to at least his expectations.) I get on Pinterest and look at what I have that I might possibly be able to make without using my oven - because of course my failure ran over in the oven and burnt and smoked up the house - I search and search and see I pinned a list of no-bake desserts from Six Sister's. Hooray! I decided to make No-Bake Peanut Butter Bars and they turned out perfect and delicious! *Wipes sweat from brow*
Looks a little better, don't you think?
My second mess-up wasn't nearly as bad as the first, but I'll share anyways. :)
I got up the morning ready to get back in the swing of things after Christmas break and my BFF, Mary, and I decided to start hitting the gym this week. It's been way too long since I've done any form of exercise! This is what I'm doing.
I did both, and let me tell you, I'm going to have one sore toosh tomorrow! After I got back home with the kids I wanted to make a smoothie and I've been really wanting to try the green ones that everyone talks about. Here's the recipe I found:
Green Smoothie
Blend together: 2 handfuls of baby spinich, 1/2 of an orange, 1 apple, 5 whole strawberries, 1 cup yogurt and 1 banana.
I, however, didn't have any apples and only had mixed berries so I added a little extra to make up for the lost apple and used a whole tangerine since they're smaller. My smoothie was good, but didn't turn green, but rather a mauve/almost brown color. That didn't bother me but was a let down to my son who was expecting a "green monster smoothie" and got a "moster trash smoothie" instead. I'll for sure keep making them and try to regular way too.

I have made a couple things from Pinterest and am not convinced anyone really makes this stuff. If they did they would see it doesn't work or they don't give you all the details. Anyway, I've had some bombs, but just feed my garbage disposal and it burped them right back out. What does that tell you? LOL